Patients are scheduled in order of registration and urgency. There is no standard waiting period. For up-to-date waiting times please look here: Wachttijden eerste intake

The telephone line is open to new patients with a GP or specialist referral.

The first telephone contact will include an intake interview and a preregistration. The information you give will help us decide whether we will be able to help you directly or will first have to consult the referring doctor.

We will not plan an appointment during the first contact. Within five working days you will receive an email asking you to complete your data and upload your referral and available laboratory values. These data will be saved to your patient record. The maximum file size you can upload is 2MB.

If you have been referred digitally, through our website, you will be emailed a request to complete your data. If necessary we will contact you and ask for additional data. Your first appointment will take place after the telephone conversation.

After the telephone interview and having received your completed data our medical specialists will determine when your first appointment will be scheduled. You will receive a phone call in good time. Together we will plan your first appointment with B12 Institute. If a follow-up consultation is needed we will discuss with you whether that will be in person or by telephone.  

NZa (Dutch Healthcare Authority) has decided that from January 2018 these consultations will be listed as ‘distance consultations’. Our medical doctors pay equal attention to both kinds of consultation: they read, prepare and file a report in your patient record.

During our telephone talks we will not give personal advice if you have not yet been seen by one of our doctors and registered as a patient at B12 Institute. 

STAR and Erasmus MC- Laboratory for blood tests

Bring your available lab values (the ones you uploaded before) to the consultation. These will be helpful in writing your medical history. During the consultation we will decide whether extra blood tests are needed. The laboratory for blood testing (STAR) is right opposite B12 Institute. We can test and monitor if necessary. It is possible to combine a follow-up consultation with a blood test, e.g. In that case you will be sent a lab form beforehand.

All blood tests will be paid for by B12 Institute, since they are part of the DOT/DBC (formal treatment procedure) Medical specialist care.

If necessary, e.g. when other issues or illnesses are involved, we will ask other careproviders for additional information, always and only after talking to you and with your consent.