Sharing knowledge

We think sharing our information and knowledge about B12 and folate deficiency diagnosis and treatment is necessary. Based on research literature and evidence-based clinical practice. We believe it is essential to keep you informed on our clinical experiences and the most recent research findings.

B12 Institute staff have attended international conferences on homocysteine and one-carbon metabolism for many years. This has resulted in an extensive network of medical doctors and researchers specialised in B12 and folate. This keeps us informed regularly of the latest developments in B12 deficiency diagnostics. Our network enables us to enter partnerships and share practice-based research issues.

B12 Institute is often invited to give (unpaid) presentations and lectures for medical doctors and specialists. You can send a mail to if you are interested. This is a list of our presentations:

Nov 11th, 2024, Webinar

Presentation B12 deficiency Organisation UK: for patients and Health Care Providers / Clara Plattel

Oct  12th, 2024, Webinar

Presentation Pernicious Anaemia Society UK: for patients and Health Care Providers/ Clara Plattel

19-20 September 2024, Cambridge

CluB-12 Meeting. B12 experts University Physicians / Scientists worldwide are meeting and sharing their knowledge about B12 deficiency and presenting the latest data and research. Plattel as CluB-12 member/presenter.

25 mei 2024, Utrecht

‘B12 Deficientie bij vrouwen’. Dag van de vrouwengezondheid, Ppresentatie door Vera Haitsma (Gynaecoloog)

14 feb. 2023, Rotterdam

KNMG-district Rotterdam: Bijscholing artsen en specialisten. Clara Plattel, internist Heerdink en gynaecologist Vera Haitsma.

7 Sept. 2022, Cambridge, UK

First Symposium CluB12. Presentation: B12 Institute 2016-2022: ‘Retrospective analysis of 4,000 patients; which patient visits us?’ Lessons to learn.

19 mei 2022, Leiden

KNMG-district Zuid-Holland: Bijscholing artsen en specialisten in LUMC door Alg. Dir & onderzoek-coordinator Clara Plattel, internist Heerdink, gynaecoloog Vera Haitsma, Kinderarts np Jacqueline Versteeg.

9 november 2021, Naaldwijk Nascholing Verpleegkundigen, Zorgorganisatie Eerste Lijn, ZEL; Clara Plattel
February 10, 2020, Rotterdam Refereeravond Lachgasgebruik en B12 deficientie: Op uitnodiging van revalidatieartsen van: Rijndam Revalidatie. Bijscholing door Clara Plattel, onderzoek-coordinator en internist G. Heerdink. Speciale gasten: B12 institute artsen / specialisten Jacqueline Versteeg en Vera Haitsma voor overige vragen.
November 28, 2019, Leusden Jaarlijkse bijscholingsdag Vereniging Verpleegkundig Overgangsconsulenten. Bijscholing door Dr Heerdink, internist & Alg Dir/ onderzoeker Clara Plattel.
September 30, 2019, Rotterdam  Presentatie Anne Lise Bjørke Monsen: ‘Vitamin B12 status in young woman and infants’ Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Norway. Uitnodiging Erasmus MC Klinische Chemie. By Clara Plattel and Jac. Versteeg.
September 17, 2019, Rotterdam Presentatie: B12 deficiëntie bij kinderen: afd. Kindergeneeskunde, St. Franciscus Gasthuis. By Jac. Versteeg and Clara Plattel.
Augustus 26, 2019, Rotterdam Presentation TU Delft Improvement on Health Outcome of B-12 deficient patients.
June 9-13, 2019, Reus, Spain 12th Homocysteine Conference, Reus, Catalonia, Spain. By Plattel, Versteeg and Heerdink.
May 16, 2019, Grou 8e Gastcollege nascholing huisartsen Friesland. College by internist Satianand Benimadho and Clara Plattel.
December 3, 2018, Dordrecht Presentatie laatste inzichten tijdens FTO huisartsen / tandartsen en apothekers in zorgpraktijk Eureka Dordrecht. By internist Chèr Birsak, Clara Plattel and pediatrician Jaqueline Versteeg.
July 28 – 3 August 2018, Halifax, Canada Presentation B12 institute data & poster presentation during FASEB Science Research Conference. By Clara Plattel.
April 19, 2018, Leiden UWV Nascholingsbijeenkomst Kring Haaglanden Rijnstreekverzekeringsgeneeskundigen en vertrouwensartsen van o.a. Veilig Thuis. Presentation by an experience expert, a phycisian and Clara Plattel.
February 28, 2018,  Amsterdam AMC University, Huisartsenopleiding. ‘B12 deficientie: diagnose en behandeling in de klinische praktijk’. Lecture and training by Plattel et al.
January 16, 2018, Duiven Verloskundigenpraktijk, regionale bijeenkomst en overleg. ‘B12 deficiëntie, zwangerschap en foliumzuur suppletie’. 
December 14, 2017, Nieuwegein Nederlandse Obesitas Kliniek, Landelijk specialisten overleg. Mondelinge presentatie: ‘B12 deficiëntie in relatie tot Gastric Bypass’. By Clara Plattel, i.c.w. Baukje de Boer, MSc nutritionist, member B12 Research Group
November 29, 2017, Helmond HAGRO bijscholing, huisartsen en assistenten. Mondelinge presentatie en uitleg werking Cbl adhv klinische praktijkvoorbeelden. By Clara Plattel et al.
November 25, 2017, Arnhem, Nederland FTO artsen, specialisten en apothekers praktijken Duiven Westervoort. Mondelinge presentatie & voorlichting ‘B12 en folaat deficiëntie in de praktijk’. By Clara Plattel et al.
June 21, 2017, Rotterdam, Nederland Vlietland Schiedam. Afdeling Kindergeneeskunde. Presentatie en voorlichting: B12 deficiëntie bij kinderen’. By Clara Plattel and Dr. Versteeg.
May 14, 2017, Arhus, Denmark 11th International Conference of Homocysteine and One-carbon Metabolism. Visitor: Clara Plattel.
May 16, 2017, Arhus, Denmark International meeting B12 Institute Research Group. Oral Presentation: ‘B12 def in clinical practice: children and adults’. By Clara Plattel.
January 23, 2017, Arnhem, Nederland Overleg Afdeling Gyneacologie Rijnstate: ‘B12 deficiëntie en gebruik foliumzuur tijdens de zwangerschap’. Presentation: Clara Plattel et al.
December 6, 2017, Birmingham, England Conference Pernicious Anaemia Society. Visitor: Clara Plattel
May 24, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark International Vitamin Conference. Plattel et al 2016: ‘Prevalence of vitamin B-12 deficiency and its relation to macrocytic anemia in a symptomatic undiagnosed large population in the Rotterdam Area, the Netherlands’. Oral presentation abstract: Clara Plattel
July 5, 2015, Nancy, France 10th International Conference of Homocysteine and One-carbon Metabolism. visitor: Clara Plattel.
March 26, 2015, Utrecht, Nederland Landelijke bijeenkomst VMDB, bi-polaire stoornissen. Mondelinge presentatie: ‘B12 deficientie en stoornissen binnen psychisch spectrum’. By Clara Plattel.

More presentations by Clara Plattel:

  • April 16, Rotterdam: Referral-night Internal Medicine. Rotterdam Hospital. Presentation: ‘B12 deficiency and state of affairs research’. 
  • October 26, 2015, Groningen: Referral-night Wenckebach Institute / UMCG. Presentation: ‘B12 deficiency and state of affairs research’.