Ingrid Rours graduated as a medical doctor at Amsterdam University in 1990. During and after her university education she worked for Red Cross, Amsterdam Burgerziekenhuis Internal medicine department, as a medical doctor for KLM Tanzania and as a Medical Officer Pediatrics in Bangladesh. At the same time she carried out research into malnutrition and diarrhea in Brazil and Bangladesh.

In 1991 she moved to South Africa, where she specialized in pediatrics. There she worked in the General pediatrics and Child abuse departments at Soweto and Johannesburg University College Hospitals; she also initiated an investigation into Chlamydia trachomatis infections among pregnant women and newborns there. Upon returning to the Netherlands in 1997 Rours started work as a general pediatrician, specialized in child abuse and childhood infectious diseases. She subspecialized in Neonatal medicine, carried out academic research and studied Journey Therapy.

In 2008 she shifted her focus from pediatric emergency care to pediatric non-emergency care. Since then she has been working with children with ADHD, disorders in the autistic spectrum, other social-emotional and behaviour problems, psychosomatic disorders and chronic physical problems. In 2010 she took her doctoral degree at Rotterdam Erasmus University and graduated as a Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology at Rotterdam NIHES.

In 2011 Rours started the independent treatment center Kinderpraktijk Hillegersberg in North Rotterdam, later changing to independent treatment center Kinderplein in South Rotterdam. She is part of the European Brain Employers, an EU project aimed at studying ADHD, autism, giftedness, dyslexia en dyscalculia.

Because of her expertise in the area of ADHD, autism and giftedness, in addition to her knowledge in the field of epidemiology she is considered a major asset for B12 Institute.
