General Data Protection Regulation (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG)
In this privacy statement you can read how your personal data will be collected and subsequently handled. We will explain where and to what ends your data are registered. We will also discuss your rights regarding your data and how to exercise those rights. The privacy statement has been updated in order to comply with the AVG, or GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Website-visits and Analytics
Our website collects your data in order to keep improving the website. We use Matomo analytics for this. We host this analytics software ourselves and do not share your data with other parties. The data are anonymous and cannot be traced back to your personal data. Examples are:
• information about the length of your visit to our website
• information about your website access: desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone
• information about the pages you visit a lot (or rarely).
The data will only be processed with your explicit permission or for the implementation of any agreements that have been reached.
Registering by phone
After the telephone interview we will save your email address, telephone number and name to a location at our server, created for you. From this location you will receive an email with an invitation to complete your data through a secure link, after which they will be shared with the physicians. Subsequently, the data in our electronic patient record will be transferred to a secure online server. As a result, your data will not or hardly ever (and sometimes only temporarily) be stored in our own computers.
Application form
In the future it may be possible for you to apply through a form on our website.
In the future you may be sent an email asking you to complete any data required for an examination. Of course, you are free to refuse.
B12 Institute may in future start sending newsletters by email. These newsletters will be informative and aimed at knowledge sharing. Your email address and name were stored in out mailing software when you applied for a consultation at B12 Institute. Storage of these data is for an unlimited period of time. You can unsubscribe whenever you like, using the link at the bottom of the newsletters.
The data B12 Institute receives and processes are not operated by third parties. Any correspondence will be sent with self-hosted mailing software. The website and its back-up are hosted by Data which are left on the B12 Institute website are stored on servers and on a local back-up system.
Storage period
Your data will be stored for a long period but never longer than carrying out activities requires, unless we are legally obligated to keep them longer. Your data will never be stored for over fifteen years.
No paper copies will be made of your personal data. Your data will be managed in systems and software mentioned earlier. Personal data managed by B12 Institute or third parties mentioned above can only be accessed in the software mentioned earlier and are always password protected.
Your website visits will be secured by means of an SSL-certificate, which keeps your B12 Institute website connection private. The safe SSL-connection can be recognized by the green padlock symbol at the beginning of the URL, which starts with ‘https’ (instead of the unsecured http).
Public access
At all times will you have the right to access your personal data stored and secured in B12 Institute files or your electronic patient record. You will be sent a survey of your personal data. If your personal data are incorrect or have changed, you can send us a modification request. Any data stored in your file on our own server can easily be adjusted by using the URL at the bottom of the letter and/or the email on this subject sent to you.
Right to erasure of data
If you prefer your data to no longer be stored in our systems, you have the right to have them erased. You also have the right to file a complaint with the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Dutch Data Protection Agency) if you feel that we handle your data incorrectly.
Right to stop data use (objection)
If you want B12 Institute to stop using or storing your personal data, you have the right to ask them to stop using them by sending an email to: You will receive an email asking you to hand in a copy of your ID, with passport photograph, passport number, ID-number and BSN-number rendered illegible. Our Data Protection Offices (DPO) will respond within ten working days.
Our obligations
We will deal with your personal data on the basis of legitimate interests, e.g. sharing knowledge, doing research and improving B12 Institute services. Your data will not be sold or shared with third parties.
The government
The data that we ask you to provide give us minimal information, needed for sending you an invitation for a consultation. We need your email address to send you our newsletter, your telephone number to call you when the email with our invitation is returned (because the address is wrong or filled in incorrectly). If you fail to hand in this information B12 Institute will not be able to provide the service in question.
If we deem it necessary to share your data with parties other than mentioned above (e.g. in order to provide a service), we will first ask your permission. B12 Institute reserves the right to make your data public whenever that is required by law or when B12 Institute feels justified to comply with a legal process/request or to protect the rights, possessions or safety of B12 Institute. We will do our utmost to respect your privacy.